Privacy Policy -Police Flying Bike Simulator
Its always very important to be aware of your personal details online, so we are here to tell you some important information like:
- How we work hard to keep you and your personal data protected
- What data we collect and what we do with it.
There are two types of data we can collect on you:
Non Personal Information
Unless directly stated otherwise Police Flying Bike Simulator does not need or collect any personal information of our users which may identify them as an individual. In some cases we also use third party tools which also may store non-personal information to function.
Personal Information
In cases where personal information is used it's clearly stated before collection and requires acceptance of our terms of services beforehand. Personal information is information which can be directly linked to you as a person. This includes information such as name, nickname, email, uploaded images or location.
Free games & apps
We display advertisements in our free apps and games to fund the development process for current and future services. The advertisements are provided by third party companies and if the user consented to personalized ads then your advertising identifier will be shared with the ad provider to select ads relevant to you.
Our apps may contain advertising from any of these networks:
Unity (Unity Ads) privacy policy:
Google (AdMob) privacy policy:
Facebook (Facebook Ads) privacy policy:
In-House Advertisements
In our games we display internal advertisements in which we advertise other games which we feel players will be interested in; in order to provide the best scope of advertisements we use data listing which of your games you already have installed on your device. No user specific or app specific information is stored or recorded.
Our applications and games are intended for a general audience of all ages, and we do not knowingly collect or track personal information from users under 13 years old. When a user informs us they are we will delete any personal information we have tracked and stop tracking further information or we will make sure we get prior parental consent. We may collect non-personal information, this information will be anonymous and we will not be able to tie this information to a specific user, this is a by product of an anonymous system not allowing us to distinguish between those over 13 and those under 13.
If you are a parent or guardian and are worried that we may have tracked personal information about your child unknowingly please contact us at and we will delete any information from our system.
Question and Complains
If you have any questions, complaints or comments regarding our Privacy Policy Statement, please contact us via our contact form. We will always try our best to get back to you within the next 48 hours of you writing to us.
Changing to our Privacy Policy
The internet and our business is constantly evolving and it may be the case that we have to update this document to comply with new standards, laws or protocols as well as emerging technologies, concerns or threats. We do recommend regularly checking this document for changes.